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Apple, Pecan and Peach Orchards
We are lucky to have different soil types that will support several fruit and nut crops.  Tree crops are organically certified, and support many of our beehives.  Our apple orchard has almost 200 producing trees, mostly cider types with some baking and fresh eating varieties also. Ninety percent of our apple production goes into making fresh and hard cider.  Our apple orchard is a mile away from the farm, on higher ground!  Peaches and pecans are picked and sold from our seasonal market on the farm, and other local retailers for fresh eating or baking.
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Apple varieties include:
   Fuji Red
   Arkansas Black
   39th Parallel
   Golden Delicious
   Granny Smith
   Gala Buckeye
   Pink Lady
   Roxbury Russet
   Amish Black
Pecan varieties include:
Peach varieties include: